Inspire for Sleep Apnea ExperienceDon’t do it. Don’t ever agree to Inspire. Just lose weight. I was encouraged to get it. I fell for it. Sleep study showed AHI dropped from 75 to 24...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesTreatment
Can you help with these Sleep study #'s please?Can anyone help me with understanding these readings please? the place i got my Bipap years ago they said this is what i needed to help with my apnea. I...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesTreatmentDiagnosis
dental device to replace CPAP machineCPAP treatment is so annoying! I recently swapped out my CPAP for a dental device that advances my lower jaw to eliminate snoring. With a few adjustments to the device...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesTreatment
OSA or Hypersomnia? How do you know for sure if you have OSA vs Hypersomnia? Is that proven by the sleep study? I was diagnosed with OSA but can’t use CPAP or oral...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesDiagnosisTreatment
What about Central Sleep ApneaWe do things big in our family. Not only do I have regular sleep apnea, but I also have Central sleep apnea. This is where your brain forgets to tell...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesTreatment
Coping without a machineHi everyone, I'm new here. I was recently diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, averaging around 27 breathing disturbances an hour. For the longest time I thought I had chronic insomnia but...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesCopingTips & AdviceTreatment
GabapentinAnyone taking Gabapentin to help with sleep issues? I thought the cpap machine would help me sleep through the night. I am still waking up multiple times a night. My...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesTreatment
CPAP to BIPAPHas anyone started out with a CPAP and moved to BIPAP? How did you know the CPAP was working for you and what promoted the change?...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesCPAPTips & AdviceTreatment
Just Not SureWell, I'm always tired. It could from my lasting effects from Chiari Malformation or my low thyroid, and sometimes from my migraine hangover. So I go to the Drs and...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesTreatmentInsurance & Disability
Insurance RoadblocksHas anyone had any issues with their insurance provider over coverage of a sleep study or sleep apnea treatment?...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesInsurance & DisabilitySleep StudyTreatment