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New here

Hello everyone,

I just joined this community. In 2015 I was diagnosed with Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome after a home sleep study. I then tried to use a CPAP and never was able to sleep with it on. I no longer have it. Last month I redid a home sleep study and now I'm diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. I also have newly been diagnosed with hypertension and PVCs(heart palpitations). I know it's likely I will be given a CPAP again and I know they (and the masks) have improved so I'm hoping it goes better this time.

  1. Welcome to our community, 😊 - Please feel free to reach out to us if you have anything specific you might have questions; we're happy to help. Have a wonderful week. Warmly, — Matt G. ( Team Member.

    1. Welcome to the Sleep Apnea Community! Thanks for reaching out and joining us – it's great to have you as a new member! I'm so sorry to hear of your recent severe sleep apnea diagnosis. It's so hard to get difficult health news, but please know that we are here to support you along the way. Check out this article about devices to treat sleep apnea (you may find info on therapies that your health provider will recommend).
      In the meantime, please keep us posted about how you are feeling and your next appointment! We also hope it goes better for you this time too! Warmly, Angie Hott (Team Member)

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