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75andholding Member
Last Updated:
Janet what machine do you use? I have had 2 F&P Icons and like them for the size and ease of changing settings. I am coming up next year for a new machine and would love to research one that would sync with my iPhone. My insurance gave me a Xmas present of a Fitbit Sense BP monitor pulse ox meter and a thermometer and one of the apps in the Fitbit tracks the hrs. of sleep. Nice gifts from a Medicare Advantage plan.
Lisa Bond, RPSGT, RST, FAAST Member
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Gailg Member
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Since I've been using the CPAP I don't experience as much daytime drowsiness u less I didn't sleep.well the night 'before. I struggled more of taking a breath and was startled.before I started treatment do I'm not sure it's the same.
Gailg Member
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Tamara K Sellman Moderator
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Janet Plank Moderator
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Hi patti, I’m sorry that your reply didn’t go through.
We are here for you.
Janet ( Member)
patti Member
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Janet Plank Moderator
Last Updated:
Sleep Apnea can affect my daytime energy when I have a short nights sleep or a restless one. I can get tired and doze during the day. that is usually right when looking at my usage.
My C-Pap gives readings to my phone so that I can tell my usage hours, how many times I have adjusted my mask seal, how many events per hour and how many times the mask was on/off.
Janet ( Team Member)
patti Member
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