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Trouble with mask

I got a new mask where there’s two holes that go up under your nose. But it seems like during night if I toss and turn, it shifts. I’m barley getting any sleep lately and it’s effecting my daily life

  1. which mask do you have? I had the Dreamweaver mask that was like that and it didn't work well because I moved so much. I went back to medical supply company and switched to the Res Med Airfit F30i it connect at the top like the Dreamweaver but it comes in wide version for the nose and leaks at lot less. With both of them making sure it was tight but not too tight and doing a pressure test before I got ready to sleep helped a lot.
    Warmly, Brittany ( (Newsletter) Team Member and Advocate)

    1. Hi , welcome to our community! Here is Brittany's full review of the F30i that you might find helpful: Warmly, Vashanti (Community Advocate and Patient Leader)

    2. Thank you!

  2. Have you tried tightening the headgear? You don't want to hurt yourself but maybe it just needs to be slightly tightened? Also if you have a headboard try hanging the tube over it. This way it will be less likely to pull on something. Best wishes! - Mike ( Team Member)

    1. Hi , welcome to our community. How have you been feeling lately? 🙂 Warmly, — Matt G. ( Team Member

      1. I would suggest, if you have not done so already, you contact your equipment provider. It maybe you just are not a good fit for that type of mask. You said a "new" mask, so I am wondering what you were using before? Can you go back to that type of mask? Warmly, Lisa ( (Newsletter) Team Member and Advocate)

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