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Soclean machines, are they safe?

I was recently gifted a SoClean 2 machine but it was missing a part. So I went to the internet, but instead found recall information.

As I read Soclean claims their product is safe, but Phillips (who had cpap machines recalled) is useing them as a scapegoat.

I also read people saying all ozone cleaners emit unsafe amounts of ozone. But Dr, Dentists, Tattooist all use similar products to clean their tools?

Confused, I would love to here any knowledge you all have on this subject.

  1. , it is totally normal to feel confused, especially after finding recall information! Since choosing the right CPAP is a personal journey and choice, I would strongly recommend checking with your doctor/care team to find out more information on what they would recommend. I hope you're able to make the best decision! Wishing you all the best. -Kailah (SA

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