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Red Frown Face

Reading: 8 hours, 2.3 events, red frown face. Question: Has the CPAP worked? Have the events actually been reduced? Or have the mask leaks cancelled them out? Otherwise, why does the red frown face matter? Thanks for any help on this.

  1. Hi . The red frown face usually means your mask is leaking during the night. Your CPAP is probably still helping with your sleep apnea, but is not as effective as it could be. Here is an article that addresses the frown face issues: I thought it might interest you. If you feel like your mask isn't comfortable or fitting properly, you can go back to the medical supply store that originally prescribed it and request a new fitting. Some people have to try multiple masks before they find one that works for them. I hope this helps and that you eventually wake up to a smiley face instead. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

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