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Do you experience daytime sleepiness?

  1. I have fibromyalgia and do not sleep soundly therefore I do get sleepily during the day.

    1. Hi . In many of our sister communities, we call that painsomnia. Has your doctor ever offered you any medication for relief? Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. I had insomnia for 20 years. I've always had difficulty waking up even as a child. Never felt like I got enough sleep. As long as I keep busy and doing things that are exciting I'm okay. I used to hypnosis tape to cure the insomnia. Even though I was sleeping I would still had daytime sleepiness. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, and even though I use my CPAP machine religiously I still have daytime sleepiness. I believe I have some form of narcolepsy.

    1. Hi . Have you ever asked your doctor for further studies? Here is a wonderful article that describes how narcolepsy is diagnosed: I hope it helps and that you get answers and relief. Warmly, Lori (Team Member)

  3. Yes, I have. I have always taken Vitamin D.

    1. I ve called another doc twice and no response...keep trying.

    2. Please do keep trying. Is there an email address you can try? - Lori (Team Member)

  4. On top of having sleep apnea, I also have narcolepsy so I fall asleep EVERYWHERE! I literally fall asleep standing at my med cart at work so I have to run out to my car and take my narcolepsy meds (which I take 2 different kinds). I will go from being wide awake to sound asleep in minutes. It's horrible and my husband just doesn't understand.

    1. Hi . I wish your husband was more supportive. Have you ever shared with him any articles from our narcolepsy community? Here is an article that might help if he is willing to read it: - Lori (Team Member)

    2. no, I don't bother trying to show him anything. I believe that he thinks I'm exaggerating.

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