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Problem with build of phlegm

I became a papper just short of a year. I was issued the Airsense 11. I’ve moved through the use of a nasal pillow mask and two nasal mask with the use of a chin strap. I’ve recently began using the Resmed’s hybrid full face mask (f30i) which I feel most comfortable with. But I have been dealing with a persistent problem with the build up of phlegm since I began using a cpap machine. Occasionally the build up becomes so bad that it’s hard to clear during the night or during the day I’ll have coughing fits until I purge a good volume. I’ve played with the Airsense humidity and heat levels, and although I don’t usually feel like I have a post nasal drip I sometimes use prescribed Flonase for allergies. Has anyone dealt with this and have suggestions?

  1. Hi . How frustrating to finally find a mask that is comfortable for you and to now have this problem. There are a couple of different possibilities. If the humidity levels are too low, the continuous air can dry out your nasal passages. Your body compensates by producing phlegm. But it sounds like you have already experimented with that. You might also be allergic to your CPAP filter, materials in your mask or additives to the water you are using. It can take a lot of trial and error to experiment with those things and figure out what it going on. You might have to enlist the help of an allergist. Using distilled water is always a good idea. Another possibility is acid reflux or GERD, which can be aggravated by CPAP machines. It is really important to address that if it is the cause since acid reflux can eventually lead to cancer if untreated. Finally, your issues might be caused by improper maintenance or cleaning of the water reservoir. Here is an article about one advocate's experience that might interest you: I wish I had better answers for you, but there is no easy answer. Please keep us posted if you don't mind. I will be thinking of you. Warm wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Thanks you for your input. I do use nothing but distilled water and change the machine’s filter monthly. I clean my water throughly every 2-3 when my tank becomes empty. I maintain the humidity on a low setting because of rainout. I have to soon reach out to my GI doc for an appt so perhaps I’ll bring her into the mix as well.

    2. At this point, that sounds like a very good idea, . Could you also try switching filters to see whether you might be having a mild allergic reaction to the one you are using? I hope your doctor is helpful in getting to the root of it and finding a way to bring you relief. - Lori (Team Member)

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