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osa/tinnitus connection

I'm aged 75. I've had OSA and tinnitus for many years. I started the cpap a few weeks ago. I find that during the night when the machine malfunctions because of a mask leak, etc. the machine noise increases a lot. In the morning I wake up and have perceived louder noise with tinnitus. Bad news either way.

  1. That must be frustrating and also annoying, . Have you tried a different mask? It can take a lot of trial and error to find one that works best for you. If you call the medical store you originally bought the CPAP from, they should be able to fit you with a new one. My husband started with a full face mask and hated it. Now he has a nasal pillow and he is much happier. I hope a change in mask helps you as well. Let me know how it goes if you don't mind. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

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