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new machine

Anyone having issues with getting a new machine? I am currently on a 2-3 month waiting list.

  1. Hi You are not alone, I am also still waiting for a machine since last November. Initially I was told it should be a two week wait. Two months later I was told I would likely have better luck with a different provider and tried it. They confirmed the machine got shipped, but do not know where it is currently. The past couple weeks I've gotten a few calls saying they do not know when my machine will arrive. At the very least I hope that your wait time is accurate and not on permanent hold.

    1. I just started using a CPAP machine 5 days ago and the pressure on my machine starts out extremely high sometimes. A new machine definitely shouldn't be doing that. I'm trying to get them to switch it out for a new machine. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long to get it taken care of.

      1. Hi , I'm really sorry to hear that your sleep physician is making you feel this way. If it continues, I would suggest calling your insurance company to see if they can suggest a new physician.

        Warmly, — Matt G. ( Team Member

      2. it actually wasn't the doctor. It was the equipment supplier. Everything seems to be resolved now. I can't switch suppliers because of my insurance.

    2. Hi , wow, so sorry that it is taking so long to get a new machine! Here is a forum that you may find helpful: Best, Allison (Team Member)

      1. Fortunately my machine is not graveyard dead. It's just the humidifier does not work well and has not for some time. Because you are dealing with medicare you have to do things their way.

      2. @plodder I am glad to hear you can still use the machine. A lot of us are in a bind because of this CPAP shortage. Have you tried turning off the humidifier since it is not working and using a room humidifier for now? Sending you good vibes for some comfort and relief soon. Vashanti (Community Advocate and Team Member)

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