Hi my name is Audrey, 43 single mom and was diagnosed last August with severe sleep apnea. At the time I was relieved to find out why I was feeling the way I was. First tried the full face mask it was suffocating so then switched to the nose pillows. When I manage to keep the head gear on all night I do wake up usually feeling much better..some days its hard to tolerate it. Today I am really dragging even though I had 7 and a half hours with my cpap last night. Sometimes I worry about my cognitive functioning and being able to do all that I should be able to bc I am so tired. I have a full time job and alot of the time I just feel exhausted and people tell me that I look exhausted. So Im feeling down bc of all of this...and how can I find someone ( romantic wise) who is going to be able to understand be empathetic ect bc of this problem...