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How I solved my sleep apnea in 7 days

The main cause of your sleep apnea or snoring (that 99% of people ignore) is that you are OVERBREATHING during sleep.

Sleep apnea:
1- you are overbreathing during sleep ⤵️
2- low co2 in the body (Bohr effect) ⤵️
3- the brain wants to restore normal level of co2 in the body ⤵️
4- and the method to increase co2 is by holding the breath (the apnea) ⤵️
5- terrible sleep.

This is how sleep apnea occurs.

So, you must re-educate your breath. This is the solution.

You must adjust your breathing so that during sleep is calm and shallow.

You will NEVER have apnea or snoring if your breathing is shallow and calm.

Learn about Buteyko.


  1. Hey there, thanks for sharing this interesting information with our community! While there is no one cure or fix for all people living with sleep apnea, we are so glad that you've found a way to re-train your breathing habits and find relief. I'm sure many will find this information helpful as well. Cheers! - Alyssa (Team Member)

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