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Having an operation when you suffer from sleep apnea

I suffer from a combination of central and OSA and am struggling to get advice regarding the best form of anesthetic to us when I have my hernia operation shortly. For the type of hernia I am suffering (inguinal) from either traditional or keyhole surgery is used for the hour long operation.

Has anyone had an operation whilst suffering from SA and what was they're experience please? Also if there are any doctors on line they're advice please.

Any help appreciated. Thanks.

  1. No, in the US. I think it is a combination of propofol and fentanyl.

    1. Hello. I have severe Sleep Apnea and been on treatment since 1990. I have had several different procedures where I have undergone either full anesthesia or just conscience sedation. I can tell you that over the years, the anesthesia has gotten so much better than what it once was. But I am getting off track. When you go in, you just need to make sure your doctor, nurse, and the anesthesiologist all know about your Sleep Apnea type and severity. I tell everyone that walks into my room as soon as they say Hi that I have it. My husband laughs that I don't even confirm my identity without saying I have OSA first. LOL Really. They ask my name and I say "I have Severe OSA and use CPAP and my name is Lisa Bond blah blah blah". 😀 The doctor will send the anesthesiologist in to talk to you. They will likely ask you what about your severity and type of Sleep Apnea and what settings you use at home. In my case, I know that I have a very small airway, much smaller than you would expect so I always tell them to look now so they can get an idea of what size intubation tube they may want to have handy if needed. They have me do some things and feel up my trachea. I also get asked, how did you know I would need to know that? Helpful anesthesiologist in the past told me to pass that knowledge on. 😀 There really isn't much you need to do beyond constantly reminding them you have OSA and what type and the anesthesiologist will pick what is best for you based off the procedure you are having. My husband usually has my PAP machine in the car in case I end up being admitted and have to stay over night. That doesn't happen too often. I would say, that with the problems we have right now with Covid and the amount of machines that the hospital has being limited, it's probably a good idea to bring your PAP machine or at least ask them if they want you too. As JmStacey mentioned, the anesthesia machine will take care of your breathing but you may want it handy if you end up admitted for observations or something. Hope that helps. Warmly, Lisa ( (Newsletter) Team Member and Advocate)

      1. great thanks. So have you always just had normal general anesthetic? What precautions did the hospital take any idea?

    2. I had what I believe is called Twilight anesthesia for my breast cancer lumpectomies. I was told to bring my cpap machine with me, for use immediately after the surgery. I didn't end up needing it. The anesthesia machine had positive pressure, so I didn't need it during the actual surgery. Just there as a precaution.

      1. thanks. Was that in the UK? Not sure we use it over here. Cheers.

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