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Can somebody Plz Give me insight

Ok I’m really confused and getting really frustrated. I’ve had sleep apnea for about 6 years. I’m currently a 33 year old bus driver. So here is my problem, when i work Monday - Friday I’m so so so sleepy thru out the day time. I almost fall asleep on bus daily. I’ll be honest I don’t use my cpap machine it’s too uncomfortable so right now I’m trying to just lose weight

But here is the weird thing and if anybody have any insight please help me understand. On weekends when I’m not working. I do not have day time fatigue. I’m fine , also I was just out of work from December 1st until February 2nd. During this time i was out , i didn’t have any day time fatigue. I don’t take naps during day, i was fine , I’d probably sleep until noon-1pm daily. But now that I start back working the fatigue has came back. I’m not a morning person so I have a late schedule at work. I don’t have to get up extra early. But i feel so bad and so sleepy. Feels like I’ve been up for 24 hours and I’m struggling to keep my eyes open daily. But when i wasn’t working i didn’t feel this way at. Do you guys have any suggestions why this is going on

  1. When you are not working, you are also doing things that may not require so much energy and attention. That means you may not have any reason to notice your fatigue. Plus, you are able to take breaks more often and any time you start even feel a bit fatigued and will do that without realizing it. As for not using your CPAP machine... I think it's great to try and lose weight, but in the meantime, you may want to talk to a sleep specialist about other options you can use besides PAP to treat your OSA. I am going to share with you a couple of articles that you may find helpful. This one talks a bit about other options besides the PAP . Talk with your sleep specialist about some of these other options. Another article you may want to read is a good one on why you need to treat your sleep apnea, how it affects your whole body not just if you are tired or not. There can be serious consequences to having untreated sleep apnea, right up to and including death. As a driver, you may also want to think about what happens when you doze off, or lose attentions, while driving. At 55 miles an hour (doubt you go that fast as a bus driver but...) you will travel the length of a football field. That's a lot of distance to easily end up in the wrong lane or not reacting fast enough and have a vehicle accident. As someone who struggled mightily to adapt to my CPAP I understand why you probably don't like it. Honestly, go talk to your sleep specialist about what other options may be available to you. That would be my advice. I hope that you found some of this helpful. Warmly, Lisa ( (Newsletter) Team Member and Advocate)

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