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Camping with CPAP machine

Hi I just started using a CPAP machine recently but I'm due to attend a couple of festivals this summer and I'm not sure how I'll be able to power it.

I had thought about using a car battery and I asked the manufacturer but they don't recommend it because they are 12v and my machine needs 24v.

I don't want to do this wrong and break an expensive device. Any suggestions?

It's a Sefam s-box.



  1. Amazon has a car adaptor for CPAP it is made for battery use 12 volt to 24 volt I have used mine both for travel and power outages
    Power usage is small

    1. Thanks, . That sounds super handy! - Lori (Team Member)

  2. Hi . I sifted through a bunch of articles in our archives to see whether I could find any specific battery recommendations, but I found none. Most everyone did say though that they use a rechargeable lithium battery when they camp or the power goes out. If you do a Google search with the terms "battery backup for CPAP," you will come up with a bunch of recommendations with a huge variety of prices. That might be a good place to start. I am glad you are planning to bring it with you though. I hope you get some input from others in the community and that you find something that works with your machine. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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