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Sinus & CPAP

Do you find that your CPAP affects your sinuses? What tips and tricks help you when dealing with sinuses or a stuffy nose?

  1. I have chronic sinus issues so it was a struggle using the CPAP. The things that I found helpful was cleaning the mask portion very well every day, adjust the humidifier , doing a saline spray at night before using my CPAP. Also once I get tested for season allergies taking something daily for my allergies helped for me too. I hope these tips help.
    Warmly, Brittany ( (Newsletter) Team Member and Advocate)

    1. great article. Thanks. I’ll do some of those things more frequently

      1. I too have this problem.

        1. Hi , thanks for sharing! Others in the community have also mentioned this as an issue. Here is an article that you may find helpful: Best, Allison (Team Member)

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