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How does one use a CPAP on long distance overseas flights

Just retired and looking to do some increased traveling and wondering how to manage my CPAP machine during overnight flights.

  1. Capps have a air plane mode The air lines I have flown have a plug for CPAP

    1. That's good to know, . Thanks for chiming in. Warmly, Lori (Team Member)

  2. Many thanks for your good counsel. Appreciate the speedy reply.

    1. Hi . Some people skip the CPAP on overnight flights because they are sleeping in an elevated position and they don't experience as many episodes, but if you need it, remember that it is a medical device. You should be allowed to take it on the plane with you, at least on U.S. flights. It is best to check with each airline though about their rules for using it during the flight. You will probably need a battery backup to use it though. Here is an article about traveling with a CPAP that includes a bit of information about airplane travel: This article contains information about batteries and airplane travel: . Note the paragraph about bring TSA compliant distilled water. I hope this helps and that some wonderful journeys await you. If you discover any tips or tricks that make travel easier, we would love to hear about them. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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