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Forgot I Had Sleep Apnea

Hello all,

I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea in 2017 or 2018.

CPAP wasn't really working for me, so I returned the machine.

Then I find out I additionally have COPD.

My mind got preoccupied with the lung issue and for some reason, sleep apnea took a back seat.

Last October, I noticed that I began getting bouts of insomnia and would wake extremely tired.

My eyes burned, focus compromised and experiencing a cloudy appearance to things.

As my concentration has been erratic, I began researching to get some answers.

It was my daughter that reminded me I have sleep apnea. (She's a medical assistant).

So it's back to the sleep clinic, in the hopes I can begin to get a semblance of a decent quality of life happening.

Have to try and stay positive; though it's not easy, when you're always irritable.

How do others find a means to stay positive, when so much is going on?

  1. It is easier to be positive when you are not exhausted. That is for sure! I try to stay positive by keeping a gratitude journal. Works for me anyway. Warmly, Lisa ( (story page) Team Member and Advocate)

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