Image of three pill bottles with different pills falling into them on red, green and white background

Healthy Sleep Pack Review

I’ve struggled for over 20 years with insomnia and about 18 with sleep apnea, but I’ve always had issues falling and staying asleep for as long as I can remember. 

I remember one time being woken up by my husband frantically screaming because I was sleep walking and had gotten behind the wheel of the car. I don’t drive, so the fact that I attempted this is terrifying. I could have hurt myself or someone else. When it’s time for bed, my mind wanders. I get anxious and tense for the desire to be able to sleep like everyone else in my house. There are many nights when I watch my husband snore, wishing I was asleep.

After so many bad experiences with medication for insomnia, I'm determined to find something healthier to help me go to sleep. 

What is the Healthy Sleep Pack?

For the past two months I've been taking a supplement from the brand Pure Encapsulations called Healthy Sleep Pack. It's three pills -- it includes two of their "Best Rest" capsules and one capsule of magnesium gluconate.

I really hate taking pills, so the first thing I noticed when researching this supplement is how many there were. Three pills is a lot for me. However, one of the three pills is magnesium, which I already take for my migraines as recommended by my neurologist, so I decided to give it a try. (I made sure to only take one dose of magnesium and not double up.)

When I opened the pack, the first thing I noticed was that the pills don't smell the greatest, so I take them quickly with an 8-ounce bottle of water. I take them about an hour before bedtime. The magnesium in the supplement helps me feel more relaxed. 

Why did I choose these supplements?

I currently already take Pure Encapsulations for my anemia and vitamin D deficiency. It was recommended to me by my pain doctor, and the brand that was sold in the office. With so many supplements out there, I’ve mostly stuck with the Pure Encapsulations brand, but I’m still open to trying other brands. Honestly, I’m desperate to sleep through the night and have tried so many things.

I like Pure Encapsulations because they do not contain any artificial colors or GMOs (genetically-modified ingredients) in their products. All the ingredients are simple, including lemon balm, valerian root, hops, passionflower and chamomile. The capsules are vegan and made of cellulose.

What's the verdict?

Now that I'm two months into taking the Healthy Sleep pack, I find that they do help somewhat, but my sleep still isn’t perfect. I’ve had such a struggle with sleep my entire life that I wasn’t expecting miracles from this product, or any of the ones I’ve tried.

I will say that I fall asleep quicker, and most nights I don’t feel my CPAP machine kick on before I fall asleep. Once or twice a week I still can’t fall asleep, but that's better than every night.

In conclusion, nothing works totally for me when it comes to helping me fall asleep and stay asleep. Even while taking natural supplements, what works for me for a while eventually doesn’t work at all. I’m not sure if my body builds up a tolerance to supplements, but I keep searching for something with the least side effects to help me stay asleep. It’s hard to keep the CPAP on when you can’t fall asleep, can’t stay asleep and wake up several times in the middle of the night.

I’m heading into my third month with this supplement and hoping that it continues to help. Have you found any supplements that help you sleep? Tell us your story.

Treatment results and side effects can vary from person to person. This treatment information is not meant to replace professional medical advice. Talk to your doctor about what to expect before starting and while taking any treatment.
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