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I Don't Believe Them

I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea about 10 years ago. The diagnoses was given to me after a Sleep Study. I am quite aware that I didn't sleep well. I was told that i stopped breathing for 47 minutes, 45 times in eight hours. There's no way that this is true as I am quite aware that I never really fell asleep for more than an hour. I was in a strange bed without my wife. I had EKG wires attached to me.. It was the first time that I has the CPAP with a mask that covered my nose and mouth. I was told to sleep on my back. I NEVER SLEEP ON MY BACK. So the bottom line is that I believe that the entire report was made up. My insurance company won't pay for a 2nd Sleep Study. I would have it done in a different facility. My gut tells me that if the study is completely opposite of the first one that I should sue or something. I despise wearing the CPAP every night.

  1. Hi Lori. I'm so sorry that I've taken so terribly long to respond to you. The problem is that every sleep specialist that practices in my general vicinity are all part of a group and they would NEVER contradict one another. I have another situation that makes traveling even more difficult and that is that I have multiple sclerosis and I haven't driven a vehicle in about 5 years. I happen to be an RN and it seems that the report was legit. I don't have a clue where I could look for another sleep specialist that won't be a long drive. What's my wife to do? To be honest, I'm going to gently bring it up with my wife. I didn't like the way the MD talked to me and handled the situation. Thanks again Lori.

    1. Hi . As you can see from CopperFish503's experience, it can take a lot of trial and error to find a mask that works for you. Have you tried any other masks? There are so many more choices now than there were even 10 years ago. My husband started off with a full face mask and ended up with a nasal pillow. He's used it for more than a decade. If ever he thinks he doesn't need it, a few hours without it always convince him otherwise. How do you feel when you don't use yours? Do you feel well-rested?
      It must be frustrating that you can't drive anywhere to see a different doctor. My father had MS and he stopped driving later in life. It was just too risky for him. If your wife does agree to take you elsewhere though, keep in mind that it might be for only two visits initially and follow-ups once a year that might even be doable virtually.

      If can convince your local doctor to get on board with a new sleep study, your doctor might be able to convince the insurance company to pay for it, especially if you have lost weight since the last one or made lifestyle changes that might impact the results.Sleep studies can be done at home now at far less cost to the insurance company and they are far more comfortable.
      There are also several companies that now offer home sleep studies without insurance or a referral for anywhere from $100 to $1,000. You would have to do some research, however, to determine which are most reliable.
      I hope this helps and that you are eventually able to get a new evaluation. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. Hello Rocknurse9
    If you stopped breathing for 47 minutes you would not be questioning the diagnosis.
    After 10 years, with Sleep Apnea, a updated test should certainly be covered by your insurance. I suggest clarifying your Sleep Apnea symptoms and requesting a fresh up date Sleep Study.
    Recently I needed to start using a C.P.A.P. again. Rather a long battle ensued. Finally I ended up in the hospital unable to breathe. A BiPap was given to me. Wow, what a 👍 wonderful device! Still had a problem with my Primary Physician in regard to a formal Sleep Study, I finally just went around the primary physician.
    I stop breathing AND MY HEART STOPS numerous times while I am trying to sleep.
    I am a mouth breather, however, I have only recently learned I need the small mask or pillows, that cut the leak issue significantly. I am trying the chin strap, however, it bothers me in my sleep, I keep ripping it off while sleeping.
    Nasal pillows are great for me.
    To keep my mouth and throat clear, I brush my teeth, gargle and eat a wedge of lemon just before putting on my BiPap gear. The lemon 🍋 helps keep my throat clear while I sleep. The new heated tubing helps keep my throat and nose clear.
    If you detest your C.P.A.P. why are you going through the motions of being fitted for a Sleep Apnea device?
    I had a CRT-D implanted, hated it. I could not have the darn thing removed, so I let it die. Life is improved without the Defibrillator.
    My two recent Sleep Study reports were fair and very interesting. The sleep lab bed was awful, the second study, I brought my own travel mat, that saved my spine from additional injury.

    1. Hi . I wish you had results you could be more confident in. Have you considered asking another sleep specialist to review the results? - Lori (Team Member)

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