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DSPS, OSA, Hypersomnia I have them all!

Got diagnosed 15 years ago. Was prescribed a mouth piece and nasal spray for congestion. I also was prescribed Modafinil.

The mouth piece doesn't fit me anymore so I can't use it.

I bought a CPAP online, I used it for one week and it really worsened my sleep. It felt as if I was suffocating with the thing on. It wasn't a full face mask but one of those you put around your nose. I have nose congestion so that might be what caused the difficulty breathing. Anyways I sold the CPAP.

I also suffer from DSPS (delayed sleep phase syndrome). I've had it since I was 12 years old. School was a mess, I was only able to work temporarily. Doc prescribed me melatonin. Which really doesn't do anything. I still can't fall asleep at regular hours.

I was also prescribed Modafinil for Hypersomnia but can't take them anymore because of severe anxiety and panic attacks. Doc doesn't even want to prescribe me Modafinil so there is no point in asking.

I use cortisone spray for my nose congestion, I really need surgery but I don't see the point anymore.

What I struggle the most with is DSPS. My sleep is erratic, it's impossible for me to fall asleep and wake up in time. I'm unemployed and want to start studying again but can't because my sleep is thoroughly messed up.

I'm going to buy a CPAP with a full face mask. Use the cortisone spray.

But I don't know what to do about the DSPS and Hypersomnia, I sleep 12½h on average. If I only could get the DSPS sorted out I would be a happy man.

Thank you for reading!


  1. Hi ! Glad you’re here. You certainly have more than your fair share of sleep troubles.

    I'm glad you're going to give the CPAP another chance. Ideally, if you get it through insurance as Lori mentioned, the manufacturer or medical supply folks will send you a variety of masks and nasal pillows to experiment with. It's important to make sure you have a good fit, too.

    Most people need some time to adjust to using a CPAP ... there are some good tips in this article:

    And about work: I don't have hypersomnia but I really struggle with keeping "normal" waking hours ... have you ever looked into flexible jobs or remote work? Maybe you can find something where you work with people from a different time zone. My current job has flexible hours -- I am writing to you now after midnight -- and I am also a freelance writer. Play to your strengths! Keep us posted. -Melissa, team member

    1. Melissa Arnold

      Thank you for your reply.

      I've thought about remote work but don't know what exactly? It's really hard trying to find energy to do anything really...

      About the CPAP. My doc wasn't understanding at all. He said I should have discipline. He said Modafinil would keep me awake but I can't take Modafinil because I suffer from anxiety disorders. Anyways, I don't want anything to do with my doc because he didn't even care when I tried to explain myself, he was an ass about it. So I'm going to buy a CPAP with my own money.

    2. Yikes. That's so frustrating! You deserve to be treated with compassion. That doesn't sound like someone I would want as my doctor. Do you have any other options in your area? If you do, it might be worth looking elsewhere -- not just to solve this CPAP issue but to get you better care in the future, too. -Melissa, team member

  2. Hi Daniel (). Welcome to the community. I'm glad you found us. Have you seen a doctor for a prescription for a CPAP? With a prescription, you can buy one from a medical supply store that will help you find the best mask for you. It can take some trial and error, so it is helpful to be able to walk in and request a new mask. They will also help you with the settings, so you get the relief you need. Have you seen a sleep specialist recently for your various issues? There are so many more treatments and therapies available now than there were even a decade ago, It might be worth a try. Regardless, we're here for you whenever you need us. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Lori.Foster

      Hi Lori!

      What new treatment are available? My biggest difficulty is that I sleep 12½h straight. I have severe difficulties falling asleep and waking up. When I was at the doctor's 15 years ago the latest was Modafinil and melatonin. Modafinil keeps me awake, but melatonin doesn't do anything. It doesn't help me fall asleep so it ruins the next day. And so it goes. After one week I'm so tired I fall asleep almost anywhere.

    2. Hi . Melatonin definitely does not help everyone. For some people, it seems to become ineffective over time. Here is an article from our insomnia community about treatments for falling asleep: Here is an article from out narcolepsy community wakefulness treatments: I realize you were not diagnosed with narcolepsy, but many of the treatments are the same. I hope this helps. - Lori (Team Member)

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