Decades Without Sleep

I have snored for the last twenty-five years. I have been chronically fatigued and my nerves have been frayed. I tried CPAP many years ago and the machines did not work for me. It prevented me from sleeping with two ex-wives and contributed to two divorces.

I was ready to try a new type of CPAP two years ago, but the sleep study was more than I could afford. I connected with an old friend and we got married in August. In the process of both of us sharing our sleep problems and fatigue, we realized we both needed to get a sleep study done and together we could afford to have it done.

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Those who CPAP together

We are both sleeping peacefully together thanks to our CPAP's. Those who CPAP together, sleep together. Unfortunately, the benefits of the CPAP came too late to save my job. I was forced to resign due to nodding off due to sleep deprivation while observing a virtual meeting. I have filed an ADA complaint. We need to lobby to make sleep disorders a disability protected by ADA.

Have you tried a new sleep apnea treatment that worked? Or sleep with someone else who wears a CPAP? Share your experience below.

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